

                                Judith A. Tindall, Ph.D.,                                 Clinical Psychologist , MO and IL                                 Licensed Psychologist, MBTI®                                 Master Practitioner, HIMS Trained,                                 NAPPP Trainer/Consultant, CPPE
                                      As president, staff psychologist, and consultant                                       at Psychological Network in St. Charles, MO,                                       Dr. Tindall provides counseling, evaluation,                                       consulting, develops curriculum, consultation, designs programs, trains youth and adults, develops evaluation design and evaluates programs. Her services encompass a full array of psychological services. She is an MBTI® Master Practitioner, HIMS Trained Aviation Evaluator, and Registered Custody Evaluator. She has been in private practice since the late 1970s.  

She has written the following books: Evaluation of Peer and Prevention Peer Program: A Blueprint for Success; An In-Depth Look at Peer Programs, Second Edition; Peer Power, Book 1: Becoming an Effective Peer Helper and Conflict Mediator, Fourth Edition; Peer Power, Book 2: Applying Peer Helping Skills, Third Edition; Peers Helping Peers: Program for the Preadolescent and Leader’s Manual; 3R’s of Feeling: Receiving, Reflecting, and Responding. She has written articles that appeared in the St. Louis Business Journal, St. Charles Business Magazine, and Mediate.com. She has conducted two webinars on Peer to Peer Strategies for Bullying Prevention/Intervention and Peer to Peer Strategies for Suicide Prevention. She has appeared on radio and television including Good Morning America. She was an invited participant to the White House Conference on working with Youth and was invited to participate in the Bullying Summit in Washington, D.C., supported by nine federal agencies. She has also attended the Global Youth Traffic Safety Launch. 

She spends part of her time providing direct service through counseling, evaluation, and forensic evaluation to individuals and families in the St. Charles Community. She has assisted organizations on a wide variety of topics including peer to peer programs, crisis management, team building, conflict management, highway traffic safety, strategic planning, community building, leadership development, communication skills, stress management, violence prevention, bullying prevention, sexual harassment, diversity, Wellness in the Workplace and MBTI®. She has conducted evaluation for individuals and organizations. She has trained locally, nationally, and internationally and has conducted “trainer of trainers” programs. 

She assisted the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) in evaluating three projects, the Future Farmers of America (FFA) in creating a national evaluation model and needs assessment for their programs, and NAPPP Programmatic Standards Rubric. She has helped to develop the Zero Tolerance for Underage Drinking and Driving, seat belt use, distracted driving curriculum for NAPPP which has been delivered to the City of St. Charles School District and KCMOSD. She has assisted KCMOSD deliver two “Youth Saving Youth” projects regarding underage drinking and driving lessons to youth. She has led her group in providing mental health services to St. Louis Job Corps for over 15 years where she worked with the Peer Mentor/Mediation program. She has worked with the United Nations on developing, implementing, and evaluating a Staff Outreach Support (SOS) program and other crisis training and web-site materials. She assisted South Korea in expanding and enhancing their 5,000 peer counseling programs. She has conducted program evaluation on a variety of training programs for youth for several school districts such as Cecil County MD, Baldwin County AL, and Broward County FL, in enhancing their peer counseling programs.

Dr. Tindall received her B.S.from Southwest Missouri State University in speech and political science. Her Masters degree is in counseling and guidance from the University of Missouri. She has a specialist degree in counseling and guidance from Southern Illinois University, and her Ph.D. from St. Louis University. She holds certificates from the National Board of Certified Counselors and the National Certified School Psychologist Board. She has her lifetime teaching and counseling certificate and counseling from the Missouri Board of Education. She was a school counselor and teacher for 17 years. 

​                                    Linda Sharpe-Taylor, Ph.D., 
                              Clinical Psychologist  

                                   Dr. Linda Sharpe-Taylor has been in private                                    practice for 15 years. She                                    received her undergraduate education at Case                                    Western Reserve University and her doctorate                                    from the University of Missouri-St. Louis. She                                    has received post doctoral training in family                                    therapy and systemic approaches to community problems. Included in her background is experience with evidence-based treatment of trauma survivors using Prolonged Exposure and Cognitive Processing Therapy. She has expertise in working with families experiencing legal battles regarding custody and visitation. Dr. Sharpe-Taylor serves as a consultant to government agencies, community-based prevention programs and services. She has developed programs and services that address a variety of issues that include adolescent wellness, school violence, gender-specific programming, community building and risk reduction. She has worked in public and private agencies in the greater St. Louis Region. Courts, community-based agencies, and religiously affiliated groups have sought Dr. Sharpe-Taylor's expertise and guidance. Always interested in new opportunities to grow, Dr. Sharpe-Taylor has added to her skills with the addition of Appreciative Inquiry, a method of transformative change for all types of businesses and organizations. 

​                                   James R.W. Linsin, Psy.D. - Clinical                                  Psychologist

                                   Dr. Linsin, a licensed Psychologist in both                                                Missouri and Illinois, has been in professional                                        practice for over 19 years. Much of his work has                                      been in university, high school, and elementary                                        school settings, where he has provided individual                                    counseling, consultation, outreach presentations,                                      and educational programs on a variety of topics. 
                                   His presentation topics have included sexual assault prevention, relaxation/stress management, resilience, being an LGBT ally, suicide prevention, mental health awareness, and effective communication. He provides psychotherapy for adolescents and adults dealing with depression, anxiety, grief, identity issues, and navigating life’s transitions. Dr. Linsin has been practicing mindfulness meditation and yoga for many years and incorporates mindfulness-based approaches in his clinical work. He served as the Coordinator for the Safe Zone (LGBTQ/ally) program at the University of Missouri—St. Louis and enjoys working with LGBT-identified individuals and those who are questioning their sexual orientation. He also serves as consultant to a local social justice-focused theatre company and has co-coordinated a group that uses interactive theatre for outreach and education.

Dr. Linsin earned a B.A. in Philosophy from the College of William & Mary and a Psy.D. in Clinical Psychology from the Wright State University School of Professional Psychology.  

​                                          David Klein, Psy.D.

                                          David Klein, Psy.D., Clinical Psychologist,                                           has been in practice in the public sector for                                           25 years. He specializes in Post-Traumatic                                           Stress Disorder, combat trauma, individual                                           and group psychotherapies, men’s issues,                                           older adults, and war veterans. He is a                                           graduate of the Illinois School of                                           Professional Psychology and completed his internship and residency at the St. Louis VA Healthcare System and Saint Louis University, Department of Geriatric Psychiatry, respectively. He has extensive experience working with veterans and is trained in a broad range of evidenced-based and traditional treatment modalities to include Prolonged Exposure, Cognitive Processing Therapy, and Dynamic, Interpersonal and Existential therapies. Outside of his therapy practice, Dr. Klein served for a decade as the Director of Internship and Residency Training in an APA-approved local psychology training program and has been supervising all levels of psychology doctoral level trainees for 20 years. He has been featured in the media on the radio, newspaper, and television speaking on veteran’s issues. He participated as a televised panel spokesman and professional liaison at Channel 9 for Ken Burns’ 2107 documentary, The Vietnam War and served as a speaker panel expert on Channel 9’s To Hell and Back: The Healing Power of Art for Veterans. In 2016, Dr. Klein traveled to Vietnam accompanying a group of veteran’s with Soldier’s Heart, an organization headed by Dr. Edward Tick that has been taking veterans back to Vietnam for healing and reconciliation for the last 19 years. He is currently studying under Dr. Tick to deepen his expertise in the psychology of war, cross-cultural models of trauma and healing and recovery practices, and moral injury. 
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